juz finished doing my GROUP assignment
td aku x pegi group discussion
coz ade hal penting
then my group members said
they have already done HALF of the assignment
ALAMAK! aku sgt2 rasa bersalah
then i said, let me finish it la, i'll print semua
ORG itu cakap OK
i said pls email before 5pm
then tgu2 xdeeeeeee pn???
Then msg ORG tu, tanya dh email ke blum
(kot2 x smpai or salah taip email ke apa)
ORG tu suruh aku bg idea, email kat die
pastu die buatkan smua
Nanti aku just cek, tambah apa yg patut n print
OK lah, aku pun cepat2 taip idea dalam micro words
then email kat ORG tu
i said kat ORG tu jugak please email it back to me before 9pm
Coz i need to go out to print it
kalau nak aku tolong print kan
(printer kat rumah dh rosak!)
ORG tu cakap, "OK, I WILL"
tgu2 sampai pukul 9 lebih, xdeeee jugak!
Msg lagi kt ORG tu, ORG tu cakap
"Give me 30 mins"
OK!! xmahu mendesak
but i honestly cakap kt orang tu
aku dh xboleh kluar, nak x nak
esok pagi2 print dekat clge
kalut skit lah esok!
ORG tu cakap no prob
then aku lega skit
around 10pm
ORG tu msg cakap dh email!
ORG tu taip dalam email tu je
Bukan dalam MICRO WORD!!!!!
nk copy n paste x boleh!!
dalam micro word jadi lari smua!!
OK! i have to re-type again
dah 2, cakap dah buat half way!
tapi tengok2, 80% of the assignment idea aku smua
itupun directly copy and paste ape yg aku anta
best kan?? sabar jela
I miss all my group members masa Dip dulu =(
haih haih haih
Well, its OK!!
nasib baik bleh siap
OK, aku dh ngantuk
mau tdo dlu
habis dah sesi melepas geram
juz finished doing my GROUP assignment
td aku x pegi group discussion
coz ade hal penting
then my group members said
they have already done HALF of the assignment
ALAMAK! aku sgt2 rasa bersalah
then i said, let me finish it la, i'll print semua
ORG itu cakap OK
i said pls email before 5pm
then tgu2 xdeeeeeee pn???
Then msg ORG tu, tanya dh email ke blum
(kot2 x smpai or salah taip email ke apa)
ORG tu suruh aku bg idea, email kat die
pastu die buatkan smua
Nanti aku just cek, tambah apa yg patut n print
OK lah, aku pun cepat2 taip idea dalam micro words
then email kat ORG tu
i said kat ORG tu jugak please email it back to me before 9pm
Coz i need to go out to print it
kalau nak aku tolong print kan
(printer kat rumah dh rosak!)
ORG tu cakap, "OK, I WILL"
tgu2 sampai pukul 9 lebih, xdeeee jugak!
Msg lagi kt ORG tu, ORG tu cakap
"Give me 30 mins"
OK!! xmahu mendesak
but i honestly cakap kt orang tu
aku dh xboleh kluar, nak x nak
esok pagi2 print dekat clge
kalut skit lah esok!
ORG tu cakap no prob
then aku lega skit
around 10pm
ORG tu msg cakap dh email!
ORG tu taip dalam email tu je
Bukan dalam MICRO WORD!!!!!
nk copy n paste x boleh!!
dalam micro word jadi lari smua!!
OK! i have to re-type again
dah 2, cakap dah buat half way!
tapi tengok2, 80% of the assignment idea aku smua
itupun directly copy and paste ape yg aku anta
best kan?? sabar jela
I miss all my group members masa Dip dulu =(
haih haih haih
Well, its OK!!
nasib baik bleh siap
OK, aku dh ngantuk
mau tdo dlu
habis dah sesi melepas geram
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